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Now, in addition to it conveniently arriving at your home by purchasing online , you can also find Natulim Detergent in physical establishments.

Every day we work on the global expansion of Natulim so that it is present throughout the peninsular territory.

Below we show you some of the large stores in which we are present:

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Frequently Asked Questions | Natulim

1. Split the strip
2. Insert the strip into the box or bass drum
3. Add the clothes and start the washing program!
🇪🇺 We follow the European measurement standard:
  • A strip (half a sheet) for washing machines with 4kg of clothes.
  • Two strips for washing machines of 7-8kg of clothes.
As with all detergents, if your clothes are very dirty or the water is very hard, you can add a little more to supplement.
Natulim's ingredients come from plant origin. They are respectful of the skin and the environment:

  • Polyvinyl alcohol : Polyvinyl alcohol protects the sheet from oxidation. It is odorless and non-toxic. It is completely biodegradable and dissolves perfectly in water.
  • Glycerol: Of plant origin and biodegradable. Glycerin increases detergency and softens.
  • Betaine: It is an amphoteric detergent with cleansing properties and is well tolerated by the skin.
  • Sodium Bicarbonate : It is a white crystalline solid compound soluble in water. Baking soda balances the pH of the water, which helps leave clothes cleaner, fresher and brighter.
  • Sodium Citrate: Reduces the hardness of water. It is the best alternative to phosphates.
  • Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate : It is a surfactant of plant origin. Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate removes oils and fats. It is 99% biodegradable.
  • Alpha Olefin Sulfonate : Ecological and easily biodegradable anionic surfactant. In products in which the skin comes into contact, it gives softness.
  • Alcohol Ethoxysulfate: Emulsifying anionic surfactant. It is also used in cosmetics because it is not very aggressive to the skin.
  • Kaolinite, Starch: They form the base of the strip
  • Perfume: The Lavender and Floral variant has perfume. The Natural does not carry.
Although we would love to be able to give you samples to convince you, we are still too small to be able to afford it. But what we do offer is 100% money back if you don't like it . No fine print, if you try it and it doesn't convince you, we'll refund your money. Without you having to send us the product . Cheer up!
No problem! You can use Natulim to wash wool and other delicate fabrics, always following the recommendations of each clothing manufacturer.
There is no type of permanence. Having a subscription allows us to have a better stock forecast and offer you a better price. To cancel your subscription, simply send us an email. Or you can do it yourself through your profile.
Natulim is 100% safe for washing pads, cloth diapers and menstrual panties. Unlike many traditional brand detergents, Natulim does not affect the absorbency of the diaper and is hypoallergenic.
It's possible! We offer monthly shipments or every two and three months. Furthermore, if once subscribed you see that you need more or less product, you can change the frequency without problem. Choose the frequency by clicking on the drop-down menu on the product page.
Sure, we can send you as many packages as you need. Below the frequency selector you have the quantity selector, here you can choose how many packets you want to receive.
It is not necessary to use fabric softener. With Natulim the clothes are soft and smell fresh and clean. Although if you are used to your usual fabric softener, you can add a few drops without a problem.
Clear! Both in cold and hot water. Just put half a strip in a bucket of water and you'll see how it dissolves.
It's completely free! To the Peninsula, Islands, Ceuta and Melilla. We want Natulim to be accessible to everyone. Using Post Office shipping to save transportation costs and so that you can receive it in the mailbox, without having to worry about being at home.
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